
Business360 Business Planning Australian Businesses


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Why choose Business360 Business Planning?

Here's what happens with over 80% of all businesses that start just about anywhere and in almost any field. 80% of all businesses fail in the first five years And of the ones that made it through, 80% of them fail in the second five years. Less than 20% of all business (in fact around 17%) do any form of business planning, (is there possibly a connection?) 34% of all business owners earn less than $50,000 a year Only a further 50% earn between $50 and $100k a year Just 16% earn above $100,000 pa 94% of business owners work weekends And 58% work well in excess of 40 hours per week. Around 15% of business owners work a second job while running their businesses, to make ends meet. That doesn't sound like what they got into business for in the first place. To me and countless other entrepreneurs and business owners, it was about building a successful business, that gave us and our families a lifestyle, that a job alone and working for someone else, simply can't give. Business planning should be simple and it is, if you use our EzyPlanPlus system. Understand whats possible. Get clear about what you want. Identify the strategies needed And review monthly to ensure you're on track. The only reason businesses don't get the result they wanted, is that they didn't actually ensure the strategies planned, were carried out. The key with business planning is simple. Push yourself and the objectives a little further than your current skills level. You may need help, so get it. Our approach The basics behind building a successful business is easy, just not always simple. It's about: Attracting as many customers as possible Keeping them and getting them to come back more often Encouraging them to spend more each time And then getting those customers to refer others to do the same. Well trained and managed staff, then build a business that actually operates like a business, and not like a job. It's all about skills across the entire team, systems and management and ensuring that it happens right every day. And it all starts with a plan! Know where you want to go. What you need to do What everyone in your team needs to do And when it will get there! Like to know more about planning your business: Building a better business isn't complicated! Building a successful growing business is easy, it's just not that simple and more often than not, the owner and staff of the business just don't know what they don't know! Most of the time it's not the product or service that brings a business down, it's everything else. The image, sales and service processes, marketing, planning, management, ensuring we have the right staff and they're trained and yes the product or service needs to be good too. The question that you need to start with is why? Why would someone buy from me? Then it's all about working out the how. The changes, the skills development, the implementation of systems and standards and then Just manage it. It's not complicated.

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