SPARKY NEURONS - Neurofeedback Australian Businesses
Why choose SPARKY NEURONS - Neurofeedback?
How Does NeurOptimal® Brain Training allow your brain to function more efficiently?
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It is never about reaching a state of being, because our electrical brain activity is ALWAYS CHANGING so its about training our nervous systems to be ADAPTABLE- FLEXIBLE AND RESILIENT so we can adapt more easily to life's challenges.
You feel calmer, clearer, happier and able to function better in your life. NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that offers training to the brain, enabling it to function at its best. It's mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system and has been called “the most effective bio-hack on this planet”. Hype aside however, NeurOptimal® does have a long and venerable history with well over THREE MILLION HOURS of safe and effective usage.
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is designed to ignite your brain's own natural healing power, allowing it to become more efficient, flexible and resilient through self-correction.
Like going to the gym for our muscles, NeurOptimal® is going to the gym for our brain. Basically, you sit back comfortably and listen to music for 33 min. It is very relaxing and the most enjoyable gym session I've ever been to! All whilst you are building a strong nervous system, ready to respond to life with resilience, flexibility and adaptability.
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